+38598 378 802

Managing project portfolios

Seminar name:


Managing project portfolios

Seminar duration:


16 hours


The seminar on the abilities for managing project portfolios follows the TenStep Portfolio management methodology. The lecturers, for each theoretical unit, will make the subject more understandable to the attendants by linking examples from rich practice to the business environment of the attendants. The attendants are divided into groups during the exercise and have to resolve a series of case studies.

The seminar is compliant with international IPMA (International Project Management Association) and PMI (Project Management Institute) standards and is a component of the training program called Project Management Academy verified by IPMA within IPMA REG.

Proučavanje i analiza grafova


  1. The concept of program and portfolio, definitions and benefits
  2. Defining the portfolio structure suitable for a certain company-organization
  3. Evaluation and choice of potential jobs for the portfolio
  4. Authorization, activation, and managing the portfolio in everyday work
  5. Reviewing and reporting of portfolio jobs during the business year
  6. Upgrading of the portfolio according to the changes in the strategy of the company-organization
  7. Project management office (PMO)
  8. Consolidated statements
  9. Managing the methodology
  10. Training/upskilling
  11. Project revision
  12. Managing the document repository
  13. Managing quality and collection of metrics (part of quality and metrics from PM basics)
  14. Organization assessments
IPMA certification transparent
The seminar is not direct training for the certificate but helps to successfully pass the IPMA and PMI exams.
Ova edukacija je namijenjena voditeljima portfelja projekata u organizacijama, neovisno o vrsti i tipu projekta koji vode. Edukaciji također mogu prisustvovati članovi PMO-a ili oni koji se tek planiraju priključiti radu PMO-a ili ga tek planiraju osnivati unutar svoje organizacije.
Basic knowledge of computer use.
The training is aimed at managing project portfolios through working on case studies. After the training, the attendants will be able to independently define the project portfolio, evaluate projects inside the portfolio, collaborate with the PMO inside the organization, create or request the necessary reports, improve the existing methodology inside the organization, manage quality and metrics in a project.

Seminar leader:

Hrvoje Meštrović
Hrvoje Meštrović

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